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Here you can see the jobs we have in Internal Audit, Compliance, Risk Management, Operations and Finance & Accounting. 

c£85K (flexible).
City of London
A fantastic opportunity (6 month FTC) for a Qualified Accountant with experience of Regulatory Reporting - COREP/FINREP & PRA 110.
Greater London
We are working closely with a multi -billion alternative asset manager , looking after global assets in both the private and public markets This is a unique role in that it reports into both the global head of marketing and communications in London but also as a matrix into the global chief compliance officer overseas As such the role the role can also be undertake remotely , and will primarily ...
£80000 - £90000 + bonus
Greater London
A growing Hedge Fund is looking to recruit a Fund Accountant.
£700 - £800 / day
City of London
An opportunity for an FRTB Regulatory lead to be the FRTB Subject Matter Expert for a Global Bank based in London
Greater London
Our client is the investment arm of a premier global banking group It maintains a seperate London office and has a global reach This role will report into the Head of UK Compliance
City of London
We’re recruiting on behalf of a global investment bank for a commodities operations specialist with experience of physical commodities and base metal logistics. This is a key hire in the commodities operations division and you will be responsible for managing all physical aspects of the commodities business.
Returned: 8 results
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