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Operations Associate - Physical Commodities

Full Time
City of London
09-02-2024 05:29 PM

We’re recruiting on behalf of a global investment bank for a commodities operations specialist with experience of physical commodities and base metal logistics. This is a key hire in the commodities operations division and you will be responsible for managing all physical aspects of the commodities business.

Key responsibilities will include; daily scheduling, vessel vetting, document review; onboarding, execution and ongoing support of structured financing physical transactions; negotiation of freight and handling rates with vendors; review all economic and logistical aspects of physical trade; leverage quantitative skills to identify & suggest best possible optimization opportunities.

The ideal candidate will have strong knowledge and experience in physical base metals logistics and/or vessel operations. This is an Associate level hire which is typically £65k-£85k basic plus bonus and benefits. CVs and enquiries to James Willacy at Austin Andrew –

James Willacy

Managing Director

07917 004020