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Client and Candidate Testimonials

“From the beginning, Mark was friendly, energetic and professional making the process easy and less nerve-racking. I felt confident going into the interviews following prep with Mark and unlike recruiters I’ve worked with before, I felt like Austin Andrew were invested in me getting the role rather than the role being filled. I got the dream role I had been looking for and all of this within a week! I can’t recommend enough and should I need a new role in the future, Austin Andrew will be the first firm I contact.”
- IT Audit Associate – Investment Banking

“I have known Mark for many years. A consummate professional, who understands the market well.  Recently, he went above and beyond to secure me a senior role that perfectly aligns with my aspirations and skillset. His exceptional understanding of the industry, personalised guidance, and constant support truly sets him apart. I can confidently say that Austin Andrew are true partners who champion success for their clients. Thank you again!" - Head of Investigations – Global Commodities

“Fergus and the team at Austin Andrew have been our go-to recruiters for several years. In addition to the standard operations and compliance roles, we have had to recruit technical and finance staff with niche, specialist skills. In fulfilling these briefs, Fergus’ dynamism has found us multiple candidates we would have been happy to employ. He has made an effort to understand not only the job, but also the culture of the firm and found us employees who fit in well and work as a team.” - CEO, Retail Financial Broker  

“I have worked with Fergus Hooley since 2003 and have recently employed a candidate introduced by Austin Andrew. Austin Andrew’s deep market knowledge and professionalism set them apart from others in their field and they appear to go above and beyond during the recruitment life-cycle. I am very happy to recommend them.” - CCO, Global Investment Manager

“A a huge thank-you for being understanding , honest and listening me as opposed to pushing your own agenda. You are one the most professional recruiters I have dealt with in in the last 15 years. I will keep this in mind going forward and pass on your details to compliance colleagues.” - Former hedge fund SM16/17, placed candidate

“I’ve worked with James both as a candidate and a client – he found me my current role with an ambitious asset manager and since joining I have been promoted to COO. We have subsequently used Austin Andrew to find us a graduate to join our operations team. James works quickly, communicates well, and presented us with a shortlist of four graduates all of which we would have been happy to hire.” - COO, Investment Manager

“Austin Andrew have been hiring talent into our business for several years and across multiple business lines. We partner with James who is an excellent recruiter, and always understands what the hiring managers are looking for in a candidate. They have had many successful placements, and it’s always a pleasure to work with them. James has great market knowledge, and provides clear communication throughout the process. We would highly recommend working with them.” - Head of Recruitment, Real Estate Investment Manager

"Austin Andrew have successfully filled several roles for the Firm over the years, ranging from junior operational hires, compliance officers and in to the C-suite. A testament to Austin Andrew is that all these hires are still with us today and have made a meaningful impact to our business. Austin Andrew is our ‘go to’ search firm." - Managing Partner, Asset Manager