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FRTB - Subject Matter Expert - Contract

£700 - £800 / day
Full Time
City of London
11-03-2024 03:49 PM

A London based, global bank are looking for a contract FRTB Regulatory Subject Matter Expert to provide support on various initiatives related to the FRTB regulatory book of work. The FRTB Regulatory S.M.E will play a key part in preparing regulatory approval packs and documentation, and will work with the broader team on a variety of regulatory issues. 

The ideal candidate will have:

·Good and current / up to date knowledge of the regulatory landscape particularly relating to FRTB (Fundamental Review of the Trading Book)

·Experience of dealing with regulators

·Experience in general or wholesale banking including Commercial Banking, Global Banking & Markets or Wholesale Credit

·Ability to lead, manage and successfully deliver within the agreed time scale, in liaison with all relevant stakeholders: model owners, business, finance, senior management and regulators

·A professional qualification (FRM, CFA, ACA etc), would be highly desirable.

Oliver Ross

Associate Director, Finance & Accounting