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Fund Accountant

£80000 - £90000 + bonus
Full Time
Greater London
West End - London
11-03-2024 04:17 PM

A high growth Hedge Fund is looking to hire a fund accountant for their London office.

The Fund Accountant will work closely with the Fund Manager and the CFO, handling the financial accounting across a number of funds. 

The ideal candidate will have a strong financial background, be a qualified accountant, and will have hands-on experience of Hedge Fund NAV's.
Putting together all aspects of a NAV is an absolute pre-requisite for this role. This experience can either come from another Hedge Fund, or from an administrator.

A fantastic opportunity to be part of a rapidly growing, multi-strategy hedge fund.

 Key requirements:

  • ACA/ACCA Qualified Accountant
  • Hands-on experience working with NAV's
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Excellent time and project management skills
  • Self-starter with a proactive attitude
  • Previous Hedge Fund or Administrator experience.

Oliver Ross

Associate Director, Finance & Accounting