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Regulatory Reporting Manager

c£85K (flexible).
Full Time
City of London
City of London
12-04-2024 04:59 PM
This is a great opportunity to work for a small, established Bank to improve their Regulatory Reporting.

Reporting directly to the CFO and working with a small team, the Regulatory Reporting Manager will be responsible for all matters relating to Regulatory Reporting.

The role will suit an individual with experience of PRA 110, COREP/FINREP, who is used to interpreting Regulatory instructions and understanding how it applies to the Bank and it's various products. The role will particularly suit an individual who is comfortable working in a collegiate manner with a small team.

Previous experience of interpreting the various regulatory instructions is essential, as is the ability to help improve processes and procedures to ensure the Bank are meeting their Regulatory Reporting obligations in the most efficient and effective manner.

This is a fantastic opportunity to work with a great team on a 6 month FTC. 
Please contact me for further details!

Oliver Ross

Associate Director, Finance & Accounting